A little irony for you, I just finished a week-long attempt to watch American Hustle. It’s funny that the prompt is asking for a time when I was hustled after I just watched a movie about hustling.

I don’t know if I have blacked out stories from my life where I have gotten hustled but I can’t seem to think of anything. There was a period of time when I got back to Albuquerque from Florida and I was trying to find work. The ad said that you could make $20-$30 an hour so i thought it would be worth a shot to apply. When I got there the thing turned out to be one of those pyramid schemes where you sell vacuums to your friends and family. I needed something a little more stable than that – plus my family was out of state and my friends were poor like me. Really that is a story about me almost being hustled and potentially hustling other people.

I guess that will work.

Check out these people who actually have stories about being hustled:

  1. Ilya Fostiy. The Enlightened One | Crazy Art
  2. Quark chase | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  3. Superiority complex | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  4. Sky Geometry | The Bliss of Reality
  5. Bus Route & The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  6. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | The Road Less Travelled By
  7. Disguise | The Land Slide Photography
  8. Boundaries and Abuse | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  9. Need A New Escape Plan | Exploratorius
  10. DP Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | Sabethville
  11. Day 73: The Body Is A Brilliant Disguise | The Sacred Architecture of Here and Now
  12. The Dancer | My Little Avalon
  13. Surprise! | meanderedwanderings
  14. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  15. The Jokester | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  16. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise « Mama Bear Musings
  17. The Prankster gets Punked | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman
  18. Hoodwinked
  19. A genetic whatsit containing a pretty low gullibility factor | thoughtsofrkh
  20. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise-Psychiatryc Side of Ego and Foolishness | Journeyman
  21. There’s No Foolin Me! | Musings | WANGSGARD
  22. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | imagination
  23. happy fortieth birthday to me | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  24. Brilliant Disguise: My Old School | A Blog of One’s Own
  25. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  26. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  27. The Race?? [Porch Story #3] | Sitting on the Porch
  28. Growing Up Irish Under False Pretenses
  29. Irony of a Smile | Musings of a Menopausal Maven
  30. Knowing Me and Knowing You | Losing It
  31. Con Artists Are Everywhere | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  32. Demon | shame
  33. You left me with a hole in my balloon of awe « psychologistmimi
  34. You live and learn | Long Winding Road
  35. Got Me Good… | Life Confusions
  36. I Pulled the Wool Over My Own Eyes | Random Words
  37. Word of mouth disguise | Le Drake Noir
  38. Oh typical american food store! | Random & Real
  39. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise « the barren page
  40. A Pleasant Surprise | Flowers and Breezes
  41. The only solace being, the secret remained | Outreach
  42. Tricking the Heart | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  43. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | DukkSheit Happens……….
  44. Tastes Like Chicken | …Properly Ridiculous…
  45. There is Something about Mary in the Deep South: My Alternate Persona « psychologistmimi
  46. Devils in Disguise | Views Splash!
  47. Taken in by the Best | Virginia Views
  48. Daily Prompt: Have a Pleasant Afternoon | Blackbird’s Nest
  49. A Deceiving Low-Down Dirty Deceiver | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  50. Beneath the mask | vic briggs
  51. Hot Air | Kate Murray
  52. DP Challenge – Brilliant Disguise | hometogo232
  53. Brilliant Disguise: Daily Post | Destino
  54. Howard the Good | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  55. Vermin | zaphnathpaaneah
  56. Sucker! | Trucker Turning Write
  57. Lockers, Lasers, and the Great Prank War (Daily Prompt) | Thinking Diagonally

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12 responses to “My hustle that never quite happened”

  1. I’ve still not seen American Hustle either. I have a whole list of movies that I haven’t seen yet! Blogging is about the only time I seem to sit still. However I promised my daughter to watch Catching Fire this weekend.

    Sorry about the pyramid scheme. My son-in-law recently had a similar experience while job hunting.

    1. I got out of that really quickly. Day 2 of orientation I just walked out. And Catching Fire was really good. I rented that last week. I still have to do a write up on it.

      1. My son-in-law did the same. They don’t let you know right away what it is. Oh, good! We’re watching it tomorrow. Can’t wait to read your write up afterwards.

  2. I guess it will work. Some of these ads are so bogus I don’t know why people care to believe it. I can see you were short of cash and believed they’ll pay you twenty or thirty dollars an hour. You had to learn a lesson which you did,now you’d think before you ink.
    No you’re not a tool, you like to believe people.

    1. It was weird. It was written like a usual job listing. But once I got there I knew it was something I shouldn’t commit to.

  3. ah those scam things, my cousin in law was heavy into this stuff and tried to sign up everyone in the family – yikes. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, it never felt quite right to me. It felt like a job where I ask my friends to pay me. And you too!

  4. […] My hustle that never quite happened | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” […]

  5. […] My hustle that never quite happened | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” […]

  6. […] My hustle that never quite happened | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” […]

  7. […] Birthday to me 29. Cabernet In The Dark – Daily Prompt – The Crickets That Follow 30. The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” – My Hustle That Never Quite Hap… 31. Properly Ridiculous – Tastes Like Chicken 32. seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah – Daily […]

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