Daily writing prompt
Do you have any collections?

I am a fan.

I think that’s important to note. When I like something I try to know everything and collect meaningful aspects that I enjoy. Over the years I’ve collected cards, figurines, games, films, and more that I can’t recall at the moment. The only issue being is eventually, and in many cases, quickly, I move on to another thing that I am very excited about. Which, often, leaves collections I begin half-completed.

All of that being said, there is one collection I can think of that is beginning to grow in size: spices. I’ve started cooking more and more and have begun developing a rather big spice collection.

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3 responses to “A series of half-finished things”

  1. That is a great thing to have – spices 🫡

    1. It’s been super fun to experiment with.

  2. 🤔can I order mine on express😋

What do you think?
