The music ended, their hearts pounded and the roar of the crowd made every thought in each of their minds inaudible. The only thing they could focus on was the clutch they had on the other person’s skin, the intensity in their eyes and the fact they were being pulled apart by the host.

“What an amazing battle Carrie and Mark!” The host exclaimed as he brought them to center stage. The crowd roared with a fervor unlike any other and the host let the chanting proceed for a moment before asking for an opinion from the panel of coaches.

The first coach spoke and Mark watched Carrie receive compliment after compliment and saw the woman he spent the last week with beam with pride in the performance they gave. The coach talked about their intensity and how well they sold the relationship in the song. The country star said it was almost as if they were an item and Mark laughed in his head. Little did they know about the week he spent with Carrie. How he learned who she was, what she loved and the passion she had for music like he did. Music was their oasis, their salvation and their bond. It was who they are, how they met and influenced everything they wanted to become.

The audience clapped and the Latina pop star gave praise to Mark and his soulful  stage presence. Carrie thought back on the week she spent with Mark and how much she learned from him. She admired his heart and how hard he worked to keep pursuing his music. The time they spent with each other during the past week was passionate and addictive and she recalled every moment in flashes of light. She wanted to win but didn’t want to lose what they started.

Their coach was up next. The band leader complimented both of them on their performance and they, in their ever increasing anticipation, grew locked in a gaze with the other that was becoming apparent to the coaches, the host and everyone in the audience. Neither wanted the other to go and both wanted to stay. With each word they grew more tense and hung every fiber of their being on to what was said next.

“The winner of this battle,” began the band leader, “Is Carrie.”

Carrie was overcome with emotion and the audience burst into an applause that was only matched by Mark’s exclamation. He rushed to her side and wrapped her in an embrace.

“Go win this” Mark whispered in her ear.

“I’m so sorry” Carrie countered.

Before Mark had a time to respond the host pulled them apart and directed Carrie to the band leader. As she approached him she kept looking back at Mark. Finally she hugged the band leader and thanked him for picking her. Unwilling to leave she went to each coach.

“Save him!” she pleaded with each handshake. The eyes of each coach grew wide with perplexed proclamation. Finally she got to the end of the row and had to walk behind the scenes.

The host, calling attention back to the stage, reminded the coaches that Mark was available to steal and asked him to talk to his coach.

“Everyone says thank you for this opportunity,” Mark started. “Even though I am thankful like everyone else, the thing that I really am going to value from this experience is that I was able to meet someone like Carrie. You made a great choice and I really believe that she should win this competition. Make sure America picks her!”

Before he could continue the r&b star smiled and shouted to the stage.

“And she wants us to save you!”

He slammed his button and the room exploded in a exultation of joy that broke loose all forms of decorum. The audience applause was like a thunderous storm, the coaches’ happiness was unable to be contained as they rose to applaud the singer and Mark, in shock, placed his hands upon his head and took everything in. He went to thank his new coach, his savior, but noticed something from the corner of his eye. Carrie was running down the walkway back to the stage. She hugged him like two worlds collided, she kissed him like Romeo and Juliet would had they not died and everyone in the room stood in an indulgent appreciation for what they were watching.

Commercial break.

I wrote this for the wordpress daily post series. Today was on the subject of passionate love and I had no clue what to do for the majority of the day. My head went to me and I haven’t really experienced anything like the prompt said. I thought about writing about a platonic love – but that just seemed lame. This (obviously came about after watching the voice) just seemed like fun. Be sure to check out all of these other people who participated in the prompt:

  1. Swirling in the Time of Internet | Kosher Adobo
  2. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore- The Psychology of Changes in Love | Journeyman
  3. Princess | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  4. Missing that tune | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Eddie And Flipper, Reverse Revolution | The Jittery Goat
  6. If you love to walk | Услуги переводчика – английский язык
  7. Too Good To Be True | Ventures | WANGSGARD
  8. Too Good To Be True | Musings | WANGSGARD
  9. passion | yi-ching lin photography
  10. Love And Linger – A Vibrational Experience | Shrine of Hecate – Ramblings of a New Age Witch
  11. you leave | y
  12. DP Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | Sabethville
  13. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  14. Daily prompt: Amore | The Wandering Poet
  15. This one is easy. | What?????
  16. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore « Mama Bear Musings
  17. Michael [Poem] [reblog] | She Writes
  18. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | cockatooscreeching
  19. Start Cueing Up the 1812 Overture, Here Come the Fireworks… | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  20. how we met, fell in love, broke up, got back together, had a baby & got married | the hilarious pessimist
  21. That’s Amore Haiku | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  22. Love Story? What Love Story? | jigokucho
  23. She Loved Me First ::E.N.Howie’s Motivational Moments
  24. okay. | a study in coincidences.
  25. My non-relationship relationship related entry! | thoughtsofrkh
  26. If One Day Love Comes Along… | B.Kaotic
  28. ‘I’ve got a safety-pin stuck in my heart…’ My Amour since 1977… | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  29. A LIFE BORN FROM MUD | Hastywords
  30. A moon’s memory | shame
  31. My Love Story. | Asta’s Space
  32. Daily Prompt: Love Story | A Day In The Life
  33. Love and (Chicken) Wings | A Blog of One’s Own
  34. My Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  35. Great Love | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  36. Its A Love Story….Baby Just Say…YES ! | Life Confusions
  37. a haiku ..a cinquain about albert’s thwarted love for clara | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  38. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  39. Weaker Past But Getting Stronger For The Future | Navigate
  40. Anne Boy | I solemnly swear i am upto no good!
  41. Shore-break | Charron’s Chatter
  42. Your love was a seed | Altared Egos
  43. Bitten | Views Splash!
  44. aah my blank love story…. | from dusk to dawn….
  45. It Ends | Flowers and Breezes
  46. “Relationship” Now Arriving at Imaginination Station | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  47. “Relationship” Now Arriving at Imagination Station | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  48. That’s Amore – MissShy and Separate Beds (Daily Prompt Challenge) | Ana Linden
  49. My Girl | The Shotgun Girls
  50. Five Things People Say To Social Workers
  51. On Being an Anecdote | Elizabeth Merritt Abbott
  52. A Different Kind of Love Story | Ramblings from a Frazzled Mind
  53. Should I Ask Her Out Again? | Views Splash!
  54. What is Love? | Crawlspace Sleepyhead
  55. Love stays strong | Emovere
  56. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | Basically Beyond Basic
  57. 412 | mesardonicmesarcastic
  58. LOVE SUCKS | Hastywords
  59. Haiku: That’s Amore | Mirth and Motivation
  60. That’s Amore: Daily Post | Destino
  61. Flutterbies | Lingual Tornado
  62. That’s Amore | donikabajrami
  63. the pilot | FamousFeline
  64. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | Here I am !!
  65. My Different Love / Oven-Baked Chorizo and Cherry Tomato Risotto {gluten free} | The Imperfect Kitchen
  66. First Love | vic briggs
  67. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | snippets and words
  68. Anchor | Shades of Teal
  69. If you like, then you gotta put a ring on it! | 365 Days of Thank You
  70. The Blog Farm | Haiku: That’s Amore
  71. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | That Montreal Girl
  72. That’s Amore | At the Drop of a Mat
  73. My [quite uncommon] Love Story. | …Properly Ridiculous…
  74. The one | Trucker Turning Write
  75. allow me to explore | y
  76. Some of Us Still Take Marriage Vows Seriously | My Author-itis
  77. every other | y
  78. Brotherly Love | When the Door Closes
  79. Raven Love O><O | Overcoming Bloglessness
  80. Daily Prompt: That’s Amore | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  81. Rooby-Roo! | SPCSA – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Stuffed Animals
  82. Daily Prompt: First Love to Best Friend | Lady K’s Lounge
  83. years must pass | y
  84. Relationship… | View From The Third Eye

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3 responses to “Love in the time of The Voice”

  1. You did a superb job, Carrie will be proud.

  2. […] Love in the time of The Voice | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” […]

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