After high school, in 2005, I moved from South Dennis, Massachusetts (a fishing port on Cape Cod) to Albuquerque, New Mexico (A city in the middle of the south west desert). Almost exactly seven years later, I moved back. And that is when shit got weird.

When I first moved to Albuquerque I was starting school and I was so wrapped up in my work on the football team that the climate of the south west wasn’t so daunting. The new landscapes and the new people were fresh and engaging and I found myself constantly extending beyond my comfort zones and developing as a person. When I moved back to Cape Cod it didn’t have the same effect.

I remember coming home and feeling as if I was in a dream. It was as if a scene in The Matrix or Inception was lifted from the screen and I was walking the halls of my own subconscious. The houses in my neighborhood looked fake, the locales in my town seemed like lifted relics and the people in my life, albeit warm and comforting in reality, felt distant.

The reason I jumped on to this prompt the instant I read it is because I constantly found myself describing how I was adapting moving back to Massachusetts as “surreal” when people inquired about the subject. In particular, there was a family event in which I actually had to describe the definition of surreal in order to get my point across. I guess that is why it is so tangible to me.

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  30. Twilight Zone | The Silver Leaf Journal
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  48. Secret Jellyfish World | Wright Outta Nowhere



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10 responses to “Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950’s pod people movie.”

  1. I sort of get this feeling when I go into town when I’m back from university. I feel so removed from what was once very familiar.

    1. It’s weird isn’t it? It’s almost like rereading a chapter of a book.

  2. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  3. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  4. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  5. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  6. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  7. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

  8. […] Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bo… […]

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