Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

Her heart raced and a cold bead of sweat traced her neck until it met her tank top. The black night of the midnight sky confined her from any hope of life. This hallow evening was crashing in around her, imploring her to give in. To end this blithe dally into the unknown and return to where she was just previous.

She resisted.

She rose. She picked herself up and ran. She ran, attacked from the whistling whisps of wind as they cascaded upon her face. She ran, as the haunting sounds of an old life loomed behind her. She ran, because if she didn’t she would surely cease to exist any longer.

Lights in the distance. Salvation. The red and blue, siren-filled salvation that comes when they are called careened past her and she gave way to instinct, stopped, and watched them collide against the present past she ran from. She knew, with those first steps, her journey had just begun.

Wanted to do a horror-y vague thing that could have multiple readings in response to the prompt. I kind of like the result.

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