Write about your approach to budgeting.

Lydia and her family were on a Florida highway going 65 miles per hour when she turned back to look at her children.

“All right guys, devices down,” she made a motion with her hands until  her twin six-year-old daughters looked up at her with a rapt attention as if they practiced. They had practiced.

“Now Daddy and I have saved all year to make sure we can take this Disney trip during your April break.  We’ve budgeted for one snack and one toy on each day, and we have a very tight schedule, so we have to use our ears and our big girl attention, okay?”

Her daughters looked at her and smiled with a growing realization of how close they were to their dream. 

“Yes, Mommy!” They replied in unison.

Lydia turned back around and smiled at her husband. She sat back in her seat and exhaled deeply. They did it.

*six days later*

Lydia lit a cigarette with the red Bic she had just purchased from the shop in the lobby. As she sat on the chair overlooking the hotel pool, she pulled up the banking app she had on her phone.

The numbers were red.

She knew. If she hadn’t lived it, the mountain of toys and memorabilia sitting on the shelves of her hotel room would speak otherwise. Voices rang throughout her head as her fingers swiped the balance sheet.

‘But the other girls are princesses, mommy!’

‘Mommy, look at all the stuffies and candy!’

‘Babe, we’ve gotta get this photo from the ride’

She took a drag off of the cigarette. Why did every ride have to have a fucking picture to it? The air off the water tickled her nostril, and she took a moment to look at the pool. Couples on vacation were littered throughout as it was just late enough for the kids to have an opportunity to have a private experience. She remembered when they were young and in love and shared a moment in a pool, vowing to bring the kids they one day dreamed of having. She glanced at her balance sheet one last time before clicking the phone off.

“Well, it’ll be a memory,” she said alone on the balcony before taking another drag. She put out the cigarette, got up, and went back in to the room where her family slept.

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